Anissa Blea

Dear Friends and Family, *Please*

On Friday, November 15th, Rebels Soccer Club will be holding its Annual Golf Tournament.

Please I ask for you to support me by buying Helicopter Golf Ball Drop tickets! You don't need to be present to win! $10 for 1 but please feel free to buy more to hit my goal of $100

What is a Helicopter Golf Ball Drop? Every ticket we sell will be assigned to a numbered golf ball, and a helicopter will drop all the numbered balls at a hole at our golf tournament. The numbered ball that goes into the hole first, or is closest to the pin, can win up to $2,000!

Just make your selection from the buttons here on my page. Once you complete your transaction, you'll get an email with your receipt and I'll get an email letting me know that you supported me! 

Thank you in advance for your support!

Anissa Blea


